Archive for the ‘homemade’ Category


Homemade “bolas de sabão”

Agosto 1, 2008

You can see more of this French baby in Ninou et Lui.


Le Train

Junho 29, 2008

This video on a train makes me believes that lots of thinks happens around us everywhere. What is your limit?

Sandrine la coquine

Vodpod videos no longer available.


Beauty on violet

Junho 15, 2008

She is Liloux.



Homemade sexy girls again – Bumbum

Junho 9, 2008

It’s incredible what some girls can do with a camera at home.

Ambroisie and Lou (they have much more to show you)



Homemade sexy girls

Maio 22, 2008

I saw her site many times, but I don’t konw if she saw mine. Don’t stop never please. Almost everything that is homemade is better. The french beauty is here to warm you up.

Ambroisie and Lou (they have much more to show you)